I've been doing a lot of that lately. I'm trying to figure out where I am and where I want to go in life. Also I'm also toying with who I am, my beliefs, values and ethics. I'm going to be reactive and blame this on PD :)
Sometimes I feel quite lost but I have to keep reminding myself that it's really not that bad. It's easy to get caught up in the bumps in the road that I've been travelling. I just have to look ahead, accept that the bumps I've been going over have shaken me up again but it won't beat me down. I also read something quite interesting an though it's something I've always been told (in a different way) it's something to keep in mind.
Any day above ground is a good one.
Between that and...
Be gentle with yourself.
I should be able to keep my head up and look towards the future. I've got to say, there are many possibilities out there, waiting for me. It's quite exciting.
School has been going well. I'm still glad that I went part time. In last weeks A&P mid term, I managed to pull off 82%. Our group PD project where we were supposed to create a clinic fell into place and the work that we did as a class was quite impressive. Not only did we impress ourselves, but we really impressed Laurie (our PD teacher), Randy (the Dean), Annette (an other of our teachers, she created the project for PD though) and Jamie (I think that's his name, he's a new teacher that I'd never really met before). This week I've got a quiz in PD on Codes of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Practice. I've also got a mid term in systemic pathology.
Next week we've got our reading week. There I'll be able to catch up on a few things and work on the PD final project. While sitting in last PD class I thought of a creative way to display my PD project. The way I see it, is that this PD project is supposed to make you think and look at yourself and where you stand on different topics (the ones covered in this class). So really it's writing down what we feel/believe on the inside. Self reflection. What I am going to do is that I will still journal/blog about what is going on and what I am feeling/discovering about myself. Then I am going to quote myself and write it all over my body. I will then have Eric take artsy photos of me and that will be my project. It's like taking what's internal and showing it to everyone. Anyways I'll post the pics when I have them. It should be a fantastic project.
I've finished 4 or 5 weeks at the Aurora Center for clinic and that was quite an amazing opportunity. I worked with some amazing women that are really quite admirable. We still have clinic at Aurora however, I'm just scheduled for a few days here and there.
Work is going quite well too. Opening day was on Sunday and I've got two words for that. Gong Show! I loved it though. I worked thursday, friday, saturday and sunday (yeah I know, that's more then 20 hours)... Saturday was family and friends day. Mum and Dad came by to check out where I'd been working and what I was talking about (quite a few adventures in shelf building, shelf stocking and training at the bakery). After they left, there was the ribbon cutting ceremony which was actually quite emotional. I think it was a great opportunity to help set up because I feel like this is partially my store too. It almost makes me forget that I'm only getting paid 9$ an hour. The people that I work with are fantastic (some are quite the characters) and we have great neighbors (the meat department) that are always good for a laugh. Sunday was SO busy but it was great to see people in the store and excited about the opening. I don't even know how many times I heard "welcome to our neighborhood!" It was great! By the end of the day, I was exhausted, my face hurt from smiling so much. The high of opening day I guess. It was just nice to see people excited about the new store.
At school we were taught that there is good and bad stress... for me, running around helping customers (even the demanding ones) and doing many other things here and there is a good stress. It's still one the if there's too much of it can wear you down. I know I am feeling it now. My internal heater is broken, I've been cold for the past week or so. I think I'm fighting off a cold because today I was sniffly. Anyways as long as my body can fight it (that's what the 3 hour nap this afternoon was for... also cuz I was sad and I wanted to make it go away) I'll be happy.
I guess I have good and bad days, like everyone else. I just can't get caught up in the bad ones. Naps, Family Guy (yep I just discovered that show, been watching it with my bro), music, singing and running have been a great way to switch my emotions.