Getting ready for hibernation?
This morning I woke up to a foggy, wet and windy day. Being my first client isn't until 4:30, I decided to take today to finish what I started yesterday.
While doing the Grouse Grind this summer, I overheard two moms talking about how they prepare dried garbanzo beans. One of them was talking about how it took a lot of prep time. Soak overnight, boil for an hour then they're ready to use. It's so much easier to grab a can from the cupboard, open it and you're ready to rock. The Mom #2 said that what she did was that she put a whole bag of dried beans to soak, then she'd boil them, let them dry out on a towel for 30 minutes or so then bag them and freeze them. I thought her idea was brilliant so I did just that this morning. I put my beans to soak before yoga last night, boiled and bagged them this afternoon.
I also took the odds and ends of breads that had accumulated in my freezer (I tend to abandon the crust ends), dried them in the oven and made bread crumbs with them. I froze 5 lunches from last nights lasagna too. During my venture in my freezer I found 3 fossilized black bananas. Now I knew they weren't that colour when I put them in there so I knew they were good. I had yogurt that needed using up too so I decided to make my banana bread recipe. My apartment now smells so delicious! I don't know what I like more, the smell of baking banana bread or the banana bread itself.
Once that's baked, I'll probably freeze a loaf into lunch size slices. Yeah, I think it's official, I am getting ready to hibernate and eat well this winter.
Photo - the 'a table...' decal is part of my new kitchen decor. I love that it was available in French :)
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