Days are flying by!!
A whole month (and then some) has passed by since my last post. I don't think I've stopped blogging for this long since I've started! So, what has happened? Here's a quick recap.With the help of my amazing friends we made 444 gingerbread men for the homeless people. They were all decorated and individually wrapped then handed out on Christmas day. It took less then an hour to hand them out and we covered 3 city blocks (from main and hastings, going west). Something that really hit home was that we were half way through handing out our gingerbread people when we decided to go into the women's shelter. I asked the organizer if we could leave some gingerbread men for the women and as she was responding, I turned around to face the common room where all the women were. I was stunned to see that the common room was packed with women (sitting on couches, standing, sitting on one an others lap... there wasn't room for an other person!). The organizer asked how much we had left, I guessed about 200 and she said that she could take them but would have to wait until some of the women
left so to make sure that everyone got one and no one would fight. I was struck by the amount of homeless people that live on the downtown east side. 444 cookies was barely scraping the surface!
The girls came over for an amazing pre Christmas dinner. I made poke for the first time and it brought me right back to Maui! It was just like we had in Hawaii! Dinner was amazing and the company was even better :) We laughed, ate, reminisced about 2009 and predicted what was to come for 2010.We spent yet an other magical Christmas with the family. Nadine was up from Winnipeg and we even got to see Sarah (from Pullman) and Christopher (New York)! I love Christmas because I always get to catch up with my friends and cousins that I spent most of my childhood with.
New Years was perfect! I spent it with my girls (having Schwarma and champagne on in our hotel room before going out was almost as awesome as going out). We spent our new year running between Havanas and the Libra Room. Angelo joined us in time to ring in the new year so I was a happy, lucky girl to be with my ladies AND my man :)After the 1st, it was crunch time for boards. I got my oral practical date: January 22nd. I took time off work and I quit my job at Big City Cupcakes. No real reason for quitting at BBC other then I no longer need to work 7 days a week. I actually enjoyed studying this time around. Angelo helped a lot because he's taken the Spa Therapy & Holistic Massage program at Langara College. He asked me a lot of questions which made me think about what I was talking about and solidified the knowledge in my head. I still went in feeling really nervous. Overall I feel it went better then my last exam, however I don't know yet whether I've passed. I really hope I have because I'm ready to move on!
Feb 1st I moved in to my fist new place! I am totally stoked! It's perfect (other then the mess of boxes that is still in the living room) :) It's in North Vancouver, facing North so I have a perfect view of the North shore mountains from my kitchen, balcony and bedroom. Today was the first day of blue sky and the view took my breath away :) I can't wait to have it all clean and set up so I can have people over. Right now I still get an overwhelming feeling that washes over me when I open the front door! There are just so many freaking boxes! And the worst part is, we still need more shelving and storage units to put it all away. So before we can put it all away, we need to get new units! Bah! Anyways, I guess these are the joys of moving in. I'm sure I'll be posting pictures when I think of bringing my USB cord to coffee shops. We don't have Internet yet so I've been hitting up coffee shops. Kind of fun but getting expensive.
So here I am, sitting in a coffee shop while waiting for my first and only client of the day. Can't wait to get home and keep cleaning/unpacking!
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