Ding Dong the Mouse is Dead*
Actually it died a good week ago now. But it freaking stinks! I know it died because I heard it die... for 3 hours! I woke up to the sound of dragging and clanging. Mr. Mouse caught himself in a trap and climbed into a part of the ceiling that is non accessible (also near the heating vent... which means when we turn on the heat, I get blasted with eau de dead mouse) and tried to escape. Unfortunately he worked REALLY hard at trying to escape while hauling a mouse trap. He'd drag and clang, then it would be silent, then he'd drag and clang and it would be silent. While it was silent I'd envision this little mouse laying down, paws sprawled, panting and then eagerly trying again. Because I'm a light sleeper, his misadventure kept me up until finally the clanging and banging stopped. Rest in peace little Mouse. Sorry you had to go that way. I told Mom and Dad about the fate of a mouse and they didn't believe me. Later that evening after checking the traps Dad comes upstairs and announces "we've lost a trap'. TOLD YOU!!!!
Anyways, because Mr. Mouse decided to die in the vent somewhere in my room it's been pretty smelly. I don't know if it's because I've had the day off (I've spent the day sleeping in, sorting through photos, getting photos printed and reading... LOVE IT!) and I've spent the day in my room but it freaking smells today!!! I've been burning so much incense that my brother bollywood danced his way to the computer room a couple of days ago. Luckily they know better to bitch about the incense/candles etc because hey! If your room stank like this, you'd be doing the same thing!!
Tomorrow I'm going to turn the heater and dehumidifier full blast in the hopes of turning this dead mouse into a raisin. Apparently it takes weeks before the smell goes away... GREAT! Luckily I haven't heard any other little critters running around. I think we've (ok, Mom and Dad) plugged all of the holes so none other are coming in. This was the last one trapped in the house and he couldn't get out.
Anyways, it fucking stinks in my room! Mom and Dad are most likely going to be pissed that I posted that we even had mice in our house but... well if anyone comes over they'll smell something and I am not taking the blame for the smell... It's a dead mouse!
*Borrowed title from this David's blog post. A freaking hilarious post about dead mice... yes, I was trying to figure out how long the dead mouse smell is going to last. Ew!
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