Renewed hope for A&P
After a 5 hour review with Maja and a 1 hour nap, Kristin told me about Prof. Diamond. She's a professor at University of Berkley and she teaches A&P. She has a multitude of videos on youtube and they're of her lecturing different parts of A&P. For the past three hours I've been looking at the videos and calling out answers when I know them. Mom and Dad most likely think I am crazy... but then again... what else is new? So far I've found this to be a huge help and I actually look forward to watching more of the videos tomorrow morning. I think I'll be ready to tackle this board exam... but then again, feelings of readiness come and go. With one breath I can say I am ready and next thing I know, I rediscover a pile of information and I realize that I am not quite ready. I'm enjoying taking in all of this information. I feel like a giant sponge. Hopefully I am soaking up the right information and I'll be asked the questions that I know answers to (or that I can figure out) during the board exam. Now, it's bed time. Time to let the information settle and let my little neurons in my brain form new pathways.
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