keep calm and carry on
This saying is at the entrance of one of my favorite restaurants and it's one that I try to live by. Too often do we surround ourselves with unnecessary stress and I want to try to separate myself from the true stresses in life and the ones that aren't necessary.
I'm now in mid swing of finals and it's going... well emotionally it's going well. As to what my results are, I am not too sure. I am also not overly concerned because I have confidence in myself and I figure that if I keep calm, the knowledge in my head will be able to come out. Now in theory this sounds good but we'll see what actually happens when I get my results back :) I've been ultra lucky to be able to study with one of my best friends and classmate Maja. Both Sunday and Monday we reviewed and made huge progress! Today we're going to get together and review for tomorrow's last two written exams. On Friday and Saturday we have our final oral practical exams so we'll most likely study for those as well. It's nice because not only do we push each other to keep going when our brains can go no more, but we also take breaks that force us to relax. On Sunday we even bought a coconut to break apart and eat as part of our stress relief.
I'm enjoying this balance :) Right now I am waiting for my partner in review to join me and while I am waiting I've settled myself in the living room with pretty music and a cup of tea. It's all very Zen :) I like it that way. Anyways enough procrastination... back to orthopedic treatment and systemic treatment!
*First photo found on this website.
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