Busy Bee...
Lately I've been keeping myself busy with various different thing. The Underwear Affair is coming up quickly and I am starting to panic. Why? I don't know. I've managed to raise almost $1 500 and our team will hit at least $4 000. That's something to be proud of... no? Well I guess I am panicking because I want all of the girls and guy to run/walk in this event and there's a few that haven't raised their required minimum.
Last Wednesday we had a team meeting and that was a great idea because it sure saved ALOT of e-mailing back and forth about fundraising, team uniforms, people's preferences etc. It also woke the sleeping organizer in me. I was proud of myself, until now I hadn't done too much for the event this year and I figured those who raise funds can participate, those who don't... I'm not going to help them. Boy that didn't last long...
Sunday July 1st we have a Thunder Panties BBQ for the Cure... hee hee :) Maggie came to me and was really worried about not being able to raise $300 before July 7th. She was thinking she'd like to organize a BBQ but couldn't do it alone. After some brain storming, we figured it would be possible and tada! BBQ on Canada day at the last minute! I hope it's going to rock! We're ready for it to rock and I'm ready to rake in a shitload of cash for the BC Cancer Foundation!
Now comes preparation time. We've got to make signage, tickets, invite people (that should probably be number one), write to the local papers to let them know what's going on etc. I've done the last two. I've invited EVERYONE I know... and if you're reading this and you live in Vancouver... You're invited too! Hopefully the rest will fall into place. It's tough though because Maggie is working Thursday, Friday, Saturday and I am going to school on those days... we'll have time to go to Costco to pick up the BBQ stuff on Saturday AM then Saturday PM after school I'll be on BBQ prep detail.
Yeah so if anyone has connections with mother nature... can you please ask her to bring sunshine for Sunday... Thanks :)
On the plus side, team shirts are taken care of. I got those in today :) I'm impressed that I managed to get them done in a week's time. But I did. Thanks to everyone's promptness in replying to e-mails, my quick shopping skills (not really, that was an adventure in a half... who would have thought white fruit of the loom beaters were so hard to find?) and Cherry Bombs friendly and professionalism they're all done!
Oh and while all of this is going on, I'm still going to school, studying, learning to crochet (3 squares done), looking for a job, taking salsa lessons and spending time with the people that are important to me. Two weeks to go and this will all be over.