Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Busy Bee...

Lately I've been keeping myself busy with various different thing. The Underwear Affair is coming up quickly and I am starting to panic. Why? I don't know. I've managed to raise almost $1 500 and our team will hit at least $4 000. That's something to be proud of... no? Well I guess I am panicking because I want all of the girls and guy to run/walk in this event and there's a few that haven't raised their required minimum.
Last Wednesday we had a team meeting and that was a great idea because it sure saved ALOT of e-mailing back and forth about fundraising, team uniforms, people's preferences etc. It also woke the sleeping organizer in me. I was proud of myself, until now I hadn't done too much for the event this year and I figured those who raise funds can participate, those who don't... I'm not going to help them. Boy that didn't last long...
Sunday July 1st we have a Thunder Panties BBQ for the Cure... hee hee :) Maggie came to me and was really worried about not being able to raise $300 before July 7th. She was thinking she'd like to organize a BBQ but couldn't do it alone. After some brain storming, we figured it would be possible and tada! BBQ on Canada day at the last minute! I hope it's going to rock! We're ready for it to rock and I'm ready to rake in a shitload of cash for the BC Cancer Foundation!
Now comes preparation time. We've got to make signage, tickets, invite people (that should probably be number one), write to the local papers to let them know what's going on etc. I've done the last two. I've invited EVERYONE I know... and if you're reading this and you live in Vancouver... You're invited too! Hopefully the rest will fall into place. It's tough though because Maggie is working Thursday, Friday, Saturday and I am going to school on those days... we'll have time to go to Costco to pick up the BBQ stuff on Saturday AM then Saturday PM after school I'll be on BBQ prep detail.
Yeah so if anyone has connections with mother nature... can you please ask her to bring sunshine for Sunday... Thanks :)
On the plus side, team shirts are taken care of. I got those in today :) I'm impressed that I managed to get them done in a week's time. But I did. Thanks to everyone's promptness in replying to e-mails, my quick shopping skills (not really, that was an adventure in a half... who would have thought white fruit of the loom beaters were so hard to find?) and Cherry Bombs friendly and professionalism they're all done!
Oh and while all of this is going on, I'm still going to school, studying, learning to crochet (3 squares done), looking for a job, taking salsa lessons and spending time with the people that are important to me. Two weeks to go and this will all be over.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

T. Nile & Joanna Chapman-Smith

Last night Eric and I went to the Railway Club to listen to some live music. A friend of Eric, Tamara, had just come back from tour and was playing at the Railway Club. Joanna Chapman-Smith played the first set and I was blown away by the velvety smoothness of her voice!
I wasn't too sure I would like this type of music, because I never really listened to folk... and my only experience with banjo's was the dueling banjo's that were playing in the hot springs bathroom. I guess they want you to get changed really quickly because it was horrible and our family made fun of it for the rest of the trip home.
I didn't think anyone could be better then Joanna but when Tamara came on, she was just as good as Joanna! I had shivers most of the time... and that's a good thing :) Anyways I really really enjoyed the music last night and it's made me want to go out and see more live shows. I've always enjoyed live music but being the night hawk that I am, I'm usually in bed my 10pm :) so needless to say, I am usually in bed before anything good happens...
Well today's a gorgeous day... it's supposed to be up to 25 degrees! So I think I am going to study a bit, then hit the beach or at least a park where I can lay in the sun and enjoy the sunshine! We've had a REALLY slow start to summer. It's almost July and I can't remember when was the last time that I wore shorts... Hopefully summer comes soon.

Monday, June 25, 2007

My first granny square!

Woo! I'm finished my first granny square! Yay! I am so proud of myself! I've been working on and off since Friday and I am really happy with how my square turned out! Now I have 29 more to go!

Friday, June 22, 2007

As you get older fridays go from partying to crocheting...

This came up when I was talking to Eric earlier... I asked if he was going out tonight and he said he wasn't too sure because he was tired... but it WAS Friday night and it would be a blow to the ego if he stayed home on a Friday night! Then I had to chuckle when I was sitting on my living room couch with Matt teaching me how to crochet. I guess we're getting older :)
Gillian initially taught me, but I don't think I spent enough time practicing each stitch and forgot. I then tried to teach myself but that was not cool. So Matt to the rescue! Who would have known that this guy could crochet. I was surprised! Anyways he was a good teacher once he stopped being a hard ass. I think it took me telling him that I felt like I was going to cry and he softened up. So far if I make one granny square a day I'll have this finished in a month.
Grand Mum is feeling better and mum suggested that I maybe wait until winter to give it to her because if I were to give it to her now, it may be discouraging for her or something like that. I think that's fine because I will probably want to keep my first crochet project.
This week has been a damn long one! With all the finals and exams it's left me worn out and tired. Today's exam, I failed. I actually failed the whole course. I don't know what to think really but for some reason I am not sad. Slightly disappointed but I want to take the course over again because I don't think the grade I got was acceptable. So I'm going to take Systemic Pathology again.
Tomorrow I have a quiz, which I didn't know about... but oh well I don't have a morning class, so I'll get up at my usual time, study then head to the market towards 11 to pick up what is needed for Italian night. I am quite excited for Italian night because everyone will be over. Deb and Geoff are coming up from Seattle, Auntie Madeleine & Uncle Raymond, Uncle Steve & Auntie Marcy are all coming over. Mum & Dad will be there too, along with my bro and Eric. And it's just going to be good food, good wine and good company. It really doesn't get any better then that.
Well I am going to hit the hay, I'm exhausted!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

EEWWW I ate a lady bug and it peed in my mouth!

Well damn that'll teach me to slack off! I decided to take a break from studying and go pick some raspberries and strawberries and eat them :) We have bushes in our back yard and it makes for yummy fresh fruit. I was eating a raspberry when I heard a crunch and then it tasted like lady bug pee... how do I know it was lady bug pee... well lady bugs like to pee on me. I'm like a lady bug porto potty... ever so convenient and every time a lady bug lands on me, it leaves a little yellow pee spot that SMELLS! Anyways after to crunch I spat out my berry and saw the poor little lady bug 1/2 eaten mushed in with the raspberry.
Things have been good... The two finals have passed and I have one more tomorrow. They both went well... ok the first one, I'm really disappointed in but I don't know if I should be disappointed in me or in how the teacher was totally unfair in marking and a bit of a hard ass. The second, I don't know what I got as my exam mark, but I passed the class with 78%!! I was and am SO excited! I thought I was going to fail! But nope the endless of hours of studying really paid off!
Sure it's made me really not interested in studying now but fuck I passed that class and though tomorrow's exam isn't AS hard, it's hard but... I just don't care right now. My brain is recovering.
Anyways I am going to go pick more berries and procrastinate some more!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Nothing new to report...

Today has been an incredibly good day for studying. It's tough though because it's very sunny outside and 22 degrees... At least my plants are enjoying the sunshine (I put them outside so they could bask in the sunlight instead of stay cooped up in the basement). Anyways I've managed to study from 10am until now (4:50pm) and I am hoping to go until about 8 or 9 then I'm going to take it easy, maybe go for a walk and hit the sack.

I'm very proud of myself right now.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Word of the day: Panhyterosalpingo-oophorectomy

Panhyterosalpingo-oophorectomy... Probably the longest word I've seen to date. I found it in my medical dictionary while I was looking for an other word.

Panhyterosalpingo-oophorectomy - Excision of the entire uterus, including the cervix, ovaries and uterine tubes.

I guess this is what happens when you look up many things in your dictionary... I know I sure do! Any time I come across a word that I don't know or am not too sure I open up my Tabers and find it in there. Best 124$ I've ever spent!

C'est la fin de semaine!!

Ok it's the weekend for me but the beginning of the week for everyone else... anyways I've been looking forward to this weekend all week. Why? I don't know. There's nothing extravagant about it.
School was good on saturday... I should sleep in more often because I was sharp and on the ball in A&P class. I don't think I've asked so many questions and understood so much in a lecture class since I started school! After school on Saturday was the Sloan's welcome summer party which was fun. I got to meet the people that Darla talks about and that are in her pictures so it was nice to put a face and personality to the people she talks about. I've got to say though, it was a bit awkward because I didn't know too many people and they're very outgoing and I was... well shy (yes I do become shy in big groups or when there are people that I don't know around). Anyways it was good times anyways.
Sunday was fathers day, so we started the day with a yummy breakfast for dad, then mum, dad and I went to the market to pick up some things for dinner. I then went to lunch with Eric, Adam and Adam's girlfriend (I forget her name)... went for a nice walk along the Fraser river then came home for an awesome fathers day dinner. Played cards with dad (won once, lost twice... I was being nice, it was fathers day after all...). And that was my Sunday :) No studying though, tsk tsk.
That's today though. I'm going to focus on neuoanatomy and hopefully get a bit of systemic pathology in as well. The exam has been switched to Wednesday so now I have tomorrow to study as well. Wednesday will be busy though because I have two finals (one oral practical in Joint Mobs and one in Neuroanatomy), a team meeting with the girls, and guy of the Thunder Panties and to end my day, the salsa mixer :)
Anyways I best get studying... I don't want to procrastinate any longer (we all know how good I am at that). But then again a nap would be nice :)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Saturday Morning

Well I no longer have a Saturday morning class, but I've been waking up early as if I do to catch up on homework and such. Well that was the plan at least. I got up at 11!!! For those of you who know me... you know that I don't get up at 11... EVER! So you can imagine the surprise I had when I rolled over and looked at my clock! Anyways I got up and mum and dad were in full swing of renovations. They were listening (and still are) to 70's and 80's oldies :) It's scary because they don't play them often but somehow I know ALL the words and can sing along to pretty much every song. Yep I'm a chirpy little bird this morning.
I guess this is what sleeping in does to you. Well I best go take a shower and get ready for school.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Twinkle Toes

Twinkle toes is the nick name for both Ben and Jason, two of our teachers. The girls found it rather entertaining that the guys would do a little dance or a few steps every once in a while, so this is how they got their nickname. I always thought it was quite exuberant of them and never really saw myself becoming a twinkle toe. But lo and behold I have. I think it was the two days of salsa in a row that did it to me.
Here I was making dinner tonight (mum and dad were outside gardening, brother was downstairs at the computer) and I was dancing around the kitchen while I was cooking. I've also caught myself doing a little step or two when I am walking or in class. It's got me now.
Yesterday was a blast. I initially went for the spins/turn drills but for some reason that didn't last so long. Within a short period of time, they pulled back the curtain separating both rooms and we were incorporated into the mixer (dance where people of all levels can come to practice... almost like a dance but with less pressure). Most guys had partners and there were a few girls standing around. I went up to this one guy and asked him to dance. Very bold of me, usually I'm the one with my back up against the wall. I'm still surprised that I did that because I'm a very beginner and well I had no idea what he was.
We danced and I was able to keep up. I am sure it wasn't perfect but I just remember having a good time. He tried some interesting moves (the photo of one of the moves he tried, that is not him and that is not me)... it actually worked! I don't know whether I looked like that but I remember being in that position... After I went from partner to partner (it was fun that people were still switching, it gave variety) and it was really fun to feel the different ways guys lead. Most of them didn't care that I was a beginner. I either followed or fumbled and caught up. I feel like I did quite well. After the first dance, I saw my teachers Jason and Ben across the room. It took me 3 dances to get towards them to say hello. I think it's because I'm a giant with my heels... people want to dance with the giant or something like that :P I don't know... anyways it was good fun. It wasn't weird dancing with either Ben or Jason, until Jason mentioned the oral practical that he was going to be the examiner for. It just brought it all together. Oh well. They are both really good dancers and I'm quite intimidated by Jason (maybe it's because he's taller then me, even in my shoes). At about 10:30 I had to leave because I was feeling really nauseous (too much spinning). It took all of my strength to not throw up on the bus on my way home (I had dinner less then an hour before class and I had eaten too much... and if any one's seen salsa, there's ALOT of spins!!!). I was a bit distracted on my way home and was looking at a sprinkler... then when I looked where I was walking, I was about a step away from stepping on a skunk!!! Luckily it was a nice skunk and it didn't spray me. It just waddled away and I kept going (my heart beating a bit faster though).
Today's exam went well I think. I felt confidant going in and I had a case scenario that I felt comfortable with. Jason was my examiner and it wasn't awkward.
I got to salsa class at 6, an hour before class was to start. I immediately started dancing in one of the rooms, practicing spins (for some reason I'm not so good at these... I tend to drift). Soon other students joined me and we got quite a bit of practice in. The lesson was good fun. We learnt a closer hold now which is nice but some guys in the class give me a weird vibe and the last thing I want to be is closer to them. Anyways I suck it up. Can't start to get picky. Well it's bed time now. Early start tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Backups & Headaches

So last week backups were a topic of conversation in one of our classes (yes we were on a bit of a tangent). I didn't know about this but it seems to be quite common. A backup is someone that you will marry if you are still single by a certain age... I can see how it makes sense.
Anyways, Paul and I were hanging out on monday (we washed Teako, who's now quite clean and poofy) and I mentioned this to him. I was half kidding (one of those wishful thinking type things) but he agreed and when we set an age, we agreed on 9 years from now (I'll be 30 and he'll be 35). That evening I asked him if he was serious and he said yes. So there you go, now I have a backup.
Sure I was sort of hoping that by the age of 30 I'd have my first kid but I am definitely not bringing kids into this world if they don't have a Dad. So this seems like a plan that will work. It's always good to have a plan B.
Anyways on a totally different topic, I've had headaches pretty much once a day for the past week or so. It's starting to get tiring. This afternoon I didn't have class due to my going part time. This is good because I wanted to start studying for my final that I have tomorrow (well continue studying... it's good cuz I am starting to understand I just have to master it now). I got home and my headache was so uncomfortable that I decided to take a nap (I don't like drugs to numb headaches). So I took a nap and 3 or 4 hours later, I woke up. Oops. Then within an hour my headache was back! So now I have a headache and I won't be able to sleep tonight. Damn life's funny sometimes. It's times like these where you just want to cuddle with someone until the discomfort goes away. Maybe I am going through cuddle withdrawal... though it's a bit late for that... Who knows. Well I best get studying.
Tomorrow's salsa dancing but the mixer (not classes, anyone can go to this) and the main focus is spins and turns :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Nothing New

It's the same day in day out... exams as far as the eye can see, I'm feelin tired of studying. I'm still looking froward to Salsa classes. This week I am going to make the wednesday's class because the main focus is practicing for turns and spins, which I can use. So yeah, nothing new... it feels like april weather wise... rainy and windy... so no playing outside (well not too much anyways). Yep life's a little on the boring side atm but that's alright.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

My first salsa injury :)

Ok so it's not a big one and it's a self inflicted one but I'm proud of it none the less. Why am I proud of an injruy... well I guess it shows that I am doing something more then studying and school? And I'm proud of that.
I clipped my shin with the heel of my other shoe while doing a spot turn... simple as that.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

At one with nature...

So finally it was time to go camping! Then somewhere between Vancouver and the Okanagan we decided to go camping in the Okanagan at our usual camping spot. I think it might have been the snow in manning park that had us change our mind when we were up there.
I'm fairly familiar with the Crow's nest highway to get to the Okanagan... it's one we've often taken to get up there... yet the beauty never ceases to amaze me! I am still in awe at the giant towering mountains that the highway snakes through. They make me feel so small. On our way up, we stopped at the Hope slide area and though I'd driven by this place a thousand times before, I'd never seen it. Paul explained to my why it was such a big deal... then I saw. A good portion of the mountain slid down into the valley. Four people were killed then within a two year span, two airplanes crashed into the mountain. What bad luck for one mountain!
There's a certain spot between Sunshine Valley and Manning Park where it's almost like mash land... for those who have driven though they know the part I'm talking about. I was just telling Paul about how I always loved this section because as a kid, I thought there would be bears there. I'd never seen a bear. We both agreed that the bears probably wouldn't be so close to the highway. Less then two minutes later we saw a bear! I was so excited! We didn't stop though (which was a good thing, I probably would have gone up and pet it).
The rest of the drive up was magnificent... We got to our destination and set up camp. It was beautiful, sunny and HOT! Our campsite was fantastic (we had a gorgeous view)! We picked up some food and had an awesome dinner of corn on the cob and these pita type things with turkey and other yummy things. We then went for a walk down to the lakeside and cooled our feet in the water and played fetch with Teako. By 9pm we were in bed (no fire or marshmallow roasting... too tired)... and I didn't wake until 6am (well I woke occasionally when I rolled over and touched Paul, only to roll back to my corner of the mattress... I called him the danger zone... he just laughed (I guess that is what you get when you're camping with an ex)). The photo from the tent was taken at 6am... that was our view, it was stunning!
The following morning we had bacon, eggs and mashbrowns (a mix between hashbrowns and mashed potatoes) then went to sleep again... what a leisurely morning :) When we got up it was raining... We decided to go walk the train trestles that burnt back in the big Okanagan fire (they have since been rebuilt). We stopped at the info centre then headed on our merry way. We ended up getting lost... or rather "we were on an adventure" but ended up somewhere where it was absolutely gorgeous (even with the pelting rain). After our adventure, we headed back to the campsite, made a fire to keep warm and dry, had a nap cuz we were tired of being rained on then woke up and decided to pack it up early while there was a break in the showers. There was more rain to come and we decided that it would be best to pack up while it wasn't raining and things were moderately wet.
The drive back was breathtaking! It was very stormy yet there were a few clear patches. It made for a gorgeous sight. I managed to stay up most of the drive but fell asleep between hope and Vancouver (oops... boring co-pilot).
Though the whole camping with the ex may have been a disaster, it wasn't. I think it was good because we both realized (or are still realizing, because things like this are never easy) that we're not meant to be together but we still get along and a friendship can be worked on.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I'll be wrapped around your finger

Yes that is what I was after the Police concert! I was mesmerized by their music and amazed at the concert I'd just attended.
Initially I was slightly tired and had a headache (which I think is due to nervousness because that's what happened before the 42nd Street musical). I wasn't overly excited but hey, I figured it should be fun. Was I stupid?! I was going to the POLICE concert!
We got there in time to catch a bit of the opening band and it was pretty good. Then after a short break the police came out and played their first song, "Message in a bottle". Maja and I were standing up and yelling at the top of our lungs... the rest of GM place was doing the same, there was not ONE free seat in the house! I couldn't believe that they were THERE! I was just in awe that The Police were right there in front of me. I cried a tear (I wasn't the only one, the lady beside Maja was doing the same). I still can't believe that I saw that concert.
These guys are the definition of true musicians! They can go away for 23 years and them still come back and play to sell out crowds around the world. Their voices still pack a punch and their music still has thousands up on their feet singing and dancing along. It was awesome to see people of all ages there. Sure we got a few comments like "You probably weren't even born when these guys first came out"... which was true... and "when I last saw the police, I was about your age" (this was an older lady that told us this). Yet sitting next to us were two... maybe younger then us, guys who were enjoying the music as much as we were. Had we not been screaming at the top of our lungs and dancing in our seats, I am sure we would have talked to the two young bucks next to us... but quite frankly the cruise mode was taken off and we were in awe mode and couldn't get over the excitement at being at this once in a life time concert! It sure was something else.
The music was fantastic! We sang (well by sang, I mean yelled, it was SO loud in there that we were loud back) along to the majority of the songs and danced to even more of them. At the end, they came out for three encores and I was yelling and jumping like a grasshopper on speed. It was something else. It had me SO pumped that I spent 50$ on a concert shirt as we were coming out (this was along with the program that I'd bought as well)... but hey it's a once in a life time opportunity and I would have probably regretted it had I not done it. I can live on home made sandwiches for a little while longer.
By the time I got home, I was exhausted and I had no voice. The following day was pretty brutal as well (I was glad I didn't drink! It would have made it even more rough). My throat was so sore from all the yelling that I could hardly breathe without it hurting. Eventually after 2 or 3 days and several cafe vanilla frappuccinos my throat got better. Anyways it was all well worth it! It was awesome to go with Maja as well :) even a few days after the concert she's start singing random police songs in class. I would have done the same, but it would have started to rain so I spared everyone.
I'd do it all over again! It sure was something else... I still am in awe and this is almost a week later!

Friday, June 1, 2007

New hair cut, new shoes, new sleeping position

So before The Police concert, I went to see Liam to get my hair cut :) As always, Liam did a freaking awesome job and now I'm feelin ready for summer (yay back to short hair). I havn't yet washed it to see what it'll look like curly but I am sure it's going to look good. I'll post a pic of that later if it's much of a change. If not, then this will have to do. Oh and it's absolutely freaking gorgeous out! You can see the sunshining in from my window... YAY sunshine. Tonight it's beer and pizza night :) yum :) though beer and salad sound better but the fridge is empty and I'm not going to go shopping because I'm leaving to go camping soon.
This morning I checked the mail (because last night I was home late and I didn't clue in) and I found a nice little Canada Post parcel pick up stub in mail. MY SHOES ARRIVED!!! Yay! So today, clinic ended early which allowed me to go pick up my shoes. They fit awesome and are totally comfortable. I've tried a few moves in them and I am sure the slippery bottom will take some getting used to... Now I'm a bit nervous to use them at class. I don't want to fall... it would be too embarassing!
Today in clinic was rather slow... between guests, Maja and I were goofing off a bit and playing with the bolsters (we've been using them in our practical classes to learn different ways of positioning clients). Maja then came up with this position and she said it was quite comfortable and felt like she could take a nap like this. Anyways could be fun... could also be quite dirty if we wanted to go there...
Well time to do a bit of cleaning :) I'll blog about the police concert when I scan photos (yes I took some photos old school style)!