Friday, May 11, 2007

Hidden talent!

This is a talent that was so hidden that I didn't even know about it until today! While sitting in Systemic Pathology class this morning I was slightly bored and being in the program I am in... I've discovered muscles that I never really thought I had. I looked at my reflection in my laptop screen and noticed that I was "flapping" my ears! WOAH! I always thought that was a neat talent and it turns out I have it! Sure the little muscles are a bit on the weak side so it's more of a feeble wave but I am sure the more I get bored in class, the more I can strengthen them little muscles. How this will come in handy? I have NO clue! But it had me entertained for about 10 minutes... then my ears got sore.
Yep today was a good day. Clinic was uneventful... so Maja and I went and got Slurpee's (one for Darla as well) and a pack of Reese peanut butter pieces at seven eleven. You can just imagine the sugar rush that followed :P it was entertaining! I am sure we scared Ben (our new clinic supervisor - along with Suzanne) though. He TAed a class earlier this week... and so this was really his second time teaching/supervising us and... yeah he got the uncensored version of our class. Poor guy. Maybe that's why Martin quit...


gillicious said...

I have a talent for raising just my left eyebrow. It's really cool for when someone says something and you want to make them feel silly, so you raise your left eyebrow at them. I remember when I couldn't do it and it took years of practice but now it's totally natural.

Keep up the good work!

Janelle said...

Nice! I've always wanted to lift one of my eyebrows.... I think that's the best expression... but it looks like I can just wiggle my ears (which is useless cuz that's not a very impressive come back to someone's comment).

Frank said...

I love weird talents, or "stupid human tricks", as I like to refer to them. I don't think I can flap my ears, but I can wiggle them. I can also do a pretty good elvis lip. I am a little jealous of the eyebrow lift, however...I was never able to do that...or wink, I know that's super common, yet I am incapable :(

Janelle said...

No worries about the wink thing... I just figured out how to do that a year or so ago :)