So I've been damned patient for the past week! I've been running on little to no sleep and I've been working 10 to 12 hour days. Not only that but this week is going to be a 6 day work week (maybe 7 is if I go in on Saturday). My fuse is SUPER short and all I want to do is go to sleep when I get home. Then I lay there, analyzing the ceiling thinking about EVERYTHING cake related! Over the past 4 months I've been getting ready to make this creation... now the time is so close and I am so excited that I can hardly sleep!
Yesterday is when I realized that this lack of sleep might be affecting me more then I thought. We're only 2 working in the Internet department because one of the ladies got laid off. Jenn and I have managed to work together really well and we've been doing a darn good job at keeping on top of things. Yesterday she called in sick and said she'd try to make it in by the afternoon. So here I was trying to fulfill orders, do customer service, ship orders and make tubes of tridocaine for certain orders. I was managing quite well but after about 4 hours I was ready to run away for lunch. There's a cute little Italian cafe across the street that I thought I'd try out. The only problem: it's across the street. That's 4 lanes of Broadway street traffic. The closest street light is a block to my left and two to my right. Damn! So I wait for a break in the traffic. There are none. Tired and frustrated I start to cross and hope to hell people will stop for me. They did. I looked up to see who had stopped and it was a cop car (not undercover either!). As soon as the police man and I make eye contact his car goes woop woop and lights flash. I'm being pulled over for J walking. FUCK!! I hadn't even made it to the car when I started to cry (I blame it on lack of sleep). The water works must have worked because I didn't get a ticket, just a warning. Fiouf!
The cute guy in the cafe saw what happened and was nice enough to offer me some free coffee. Being I don't drink coffee I asked him if I could have a hug instead (one of those days :P). He was happy to give me one :) Lunch was great! I'll definitely be back. While waiting for my food, I called to make an appointment to see my lovely Liam before Darla's grad. I booked an appointment and the girl asked for my name, I gave it to her, then she asked for my phone number and I said "F O N T..." and spelled out my last name. Oops! Autopilot much? Fortunately the lady knows me and had a good laugh.
As a little treat, I decided to buy myself some black licorice (which it turns out that licorice root helps with stress management, I wonder if my body was craving it for that reason). I was sitting at my desk when I noticed that I was getting a funny glance from a coworker. My zoned out self was trying to eat a vitamin bottle and was packaging black licorice. So to the customer who has bite marks on their vitamin bottle and who's envelope smells of black licorice... My bad!
Despite all of this, I still managed to work an 11 hour day. I am also darn glad that I can laugh at myself or else I would have been one hell of a frustrated person at the end of the day. Today I bought a sleep tincture which will hopefully help me sleep and some energy pills to give me some energy during the day. I can't afford to crash during this vital part of cake making.
I'm lucky that I've bought everything I need for grad. All that is left to do is go to Leo's camera and rent some lenses and a flash for the grad. I also have to buy a couple more things for the cake and I have to fiddle around with the necklace that I bought to go with my dress. Gonna make it look awesome and unique with my mad jewelry making skills. Ha ha :) Once all of that is done, I am good to go. During this cake making thing I am going to blog about it and take photos (or maybe just do a picture blog cuz I most likely won't have time to write about it).
Well dinner is ready! After dinner I am going make some fondant because the ingredients in fondant has to get to know one an other before being rolled out (well I found this to be easier).